Maja Hodošček, rođena 1984. u Ljubljani, Slovenija, radi video radove, instalacije, pokreće radionice i kurira izložbe. Njezina praksa temelji se na istraživanju i eksperimentu s posebnim fokusom na pojam izvedbe, ponašanja i načina učenja. Završila je magisterij na Dutch Art Institute u Arnhemu, Nizozemska. Njezin je rad bio prikazan na međunarodnim skupnim izložbama kao što su Beyond Borders, KGLU, Slovenj Gradec; Hidden Curriculum,, Bratislava; Silence is Dearness Here, Galerija Podroom, Beograd; Beyond the Globe, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana, South by South East, Guangdong Times Museum, Kina; Pipe Dream, Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Beč, Travelling Communiqué, Muzej istorije Jugoslavije, Beograd. Svoj rad predstavila je na samostalnim izložbama u Centru za suvremenu umjetnost, Celje, Slovenija; Domu omladine, Beograd; Muzeju suvremene umjetnosti – MSUM, Ljubljana, Galeriji Miroslav Kraljević, Zagreb; Galeriji Škuc Ljubljana; Galeriji Gregor Podnar, Ljubljana… 2020. dobila je nacionalno priznanje Rihard Jakopič za umjetnička dostignuća, a 2010. osvojila je nagradu OHO. Bila je rezidencijalna umjetnica u Museum Quartier Vienna (2021.), Tabakalera – International Center for Contemporary Culture u San Sebastianu (2019.) i u ISCP New York (2010.).
Maja Hodoscek, born in Ljubljana, Slovenia in 1984, makes video works, installations, initiates workshops and curates exhibitions. Her practice is research based and experimental with a special focus on the notion of performance, behaviour, and modes of learning. She finished her MA at Dutch Art Institute in Arnhem, NL. Her work was shown widely on international group exhibitions such as Beyond Borders, KGLU, Slovenj Gradec, Hidden Curriculum,, Bratislava; Silence is Deafness Here, Gallery Podroom, Belgrade; Beyond the Globe, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana, South by South East, Guangdong Times Museum, China; Pipe Dream, KunsthalleExnergasse, Vienna, Travelling Communiqué, Museum of Yugoslav History, Belgrade. She presented her work on solo exhibitions in Center for Contemporary Arts, Celje, SI, Dom omladine, Belgrade, Museum of Contemporary Art – MSUM, Ljubljana, Miroslav Kraljević Gallery, Zagreb, Škuc Gallery Ljubljana, Gallery Gregor Podnar, Ljubljana… In 2020 she received the Rihard JakopičPrize for artistic achievements, and in 2010 the OHO Award. She was an artist in residence in Museum Quartier Vienna (2021), Tabakalera – International Centre for Contemporary Culture in San Sebastian (2019) and in ISCP New York (2010).
Maja Hodošček
Dovoljno dobro / Good Enough, 2020.
HD video, edited version of the performance by Marga Altolaguirre
23:00 min
Glumica dobiva ulogu u kojoj će prikazati emocije i afekte koji su obično skriveni ili potisnuti u našim svakodnevnim izvedbenim zadacima. Kako bi te emocije postale živopisne, umjetnica je kreirala specifičnu situaciju. Izvođači su pred kamerama morali biti nekoliko sati bez nekog specifičnog zadatka ili zapleta. U ovom konkretnom okruženju kamera nije instruktivna, ne prikazuje niti predstavlja bilo kakav interes osim vlastite prisutnosti. Kakve stavove proizvodi ta puka prisutnost?
An actress is being commissioned to act a role that would display emotions and affects that usually try to remain hidden or suppressed in our everyday performative tasks. In order for those emotions to become vivid, a specific situation was being created by the artist. Performers had to be in front of the camera for several hours without carrying out any specific task or plot. In this particular setting, the camera is not instructive, it doesn’t portray or represents any interest besides its own presence. What kind of attitudes does this mere presence produce?
- iz izjave umjetnice / from the statement of the artist