Smaragda Nitsopoulou, rođena 1987. u Kavali, Grčka, je video umjetnica i filmska redateljica iz Grčke. Kroz svoju praksu istražuje teme sjećanja i smrti u doba antropocena. Koristeći pronađene snimke za svoje interaktivne radove, nastoji dočarati ekumensko iskustvo smrti među živima. Sudjelovala je na nekoliko međunarodnih festivala i skupnih izložbi kao što su Documenta 14, Video Art Miden & Simultan. Godine 2021. dovršila je svoj prvi dugometražni dokumentarni film "Smrt pod kontrolom". Stipendistica je 2018. programa SNF Artist Fellowship i 2020. rezidenta umjetničke rezidencije IMPROVISA-LIFE IN MOTION koja se održala 2021. i 2022. u Ateni, Lublinu i Ljubljani. Njezin posljednji film dobio je financijsku potporu Nacionalne grčke televizije (u razvojnoj fazi).

Smaragda Nitsopoulou, born in Kavala, Greece in 1987, is a video artist and film director from Greece. Through her practice, she is exploring the themes of memory and death in the Anthropocene era. Using found footage for her interactive pieces, she is aiming to evoke the ecumenical experience of death among the living. She has participated in several international festivals and group exhibitions such as Documenta 14, Video Art Miden & Simultan. In 2021, she completed her first feature-length documentary Death Under Control.  She is a 2018 fellow of the SNF Artist Fellowship program and a 2020 resident of the IMPROVISA-LIFE IN MOTION artistic residency that took place in 2021 and 2022 in Athens, Lublin and Ljubljana. Her latest film received financial support by the National Greek Television (in development).


Smaragda Nitsopoulou

Uvijek sam željela vidjeti Marsovca / I've Always Wanted to See a Martian, 2022

jednokanalni HD mp4 zapis / single channel HD mp4 file


Odmalena mi je omiljena literatura znanstvena fantastika. Od Julesa Vernea do Ursule Le Guin fascinirao me stav Zemljana prema stranom i strancima. Kako netko može zamisliti nešto što ne može doživjeti? Grčka mitologija dovela je nadnaravno na razinu čovječanstva, ali znanstvena ju je fantastika nadmašila. Ta su pitanja kasnije u životu oblikovala moju umjetničku praksu. Koristeći pronađene snimke i istražujući teme sjećanja i smrti u doba antropocena, usredotočila sam se na evociranje ekumenskog iskustva smrti među živima. Kroz moje istraživanje zajedničkih osobina ljudskog identiteta pojavio se strah od smrti i zaborava. U ovom eksperimentalnom kratkom radu istražujem pojam identiteta i pripadnosti koristeći kao polazište posljednji izraz iz alegorijske knjige Raya Bradburyja Marsovske kronike.

Since I was a child my favorite literature was science fiction. From Jules Verne to Ursula Le Guin, the point of earthlings towards the foreign and alien fascinated me. How can someone imagine something they can’t experience? Greek mythology brought the supernatural to humanity’s level but science ficton transcented it. It was these questions that later on in my life forged my artistic practice. Using found footage and exploring the themes of memory and death in the Anthropocene era, I focused in to evoking the ecumenical experience of death among the living. Through my research in common traits of human’s identity, fear of death and forgetness emerged. In this experimental short, I explore the notion of identity and belonging using as a starting point the last phrase from Ray Bradbury's allegoric book "The Martian Chronicles".

  • iz izjave umjetnice / from the statement of the artist