Stefan Schellinger, rođen 1995. u Zugu, Švicarska, živi u Zürichu. Vodi uzoran život.

Stefan Schellinger, born iin Zug, Switzerland in 1995, lives in Zürich. He leads an exemplary life.


 the Bermuda triangle of printed documents

Stefan Schellinger

Bermudski trokut tiskanih dokumenata / The Bermuda Triangle of Printed Cocuments, 2022.

printer, ladičar, papir /printer filing cabinet, paper

dimenzije promjenjive / variable dimensions


U nedostatku reda, sjećanja i zamjenjivost referenca postaju mehanizmi aluzije. Oslanjam se na zapažanje da pomicanje fokusa i oštrine stvara sustav asocijacija i veza. Primjenjujući to u svom radu, prisvajam ovozemaljske predmete u kinetičke skulpture, koje variraju između komične nonšalantnosti i stereotipne pripadnosti.

In a lack of order memories and the interchangeability of reference become a mechanism of allusion. I rely on the observation that shifting focus and acuity creates a system of associations and connections. Applying this in my work, I appropriate mundane objects into kinetic sculptures, that fluctuate between comical nonchalance and stereotypical affiliation.

  • iz izjave umjetnika / from the statement of the artist