Leo Vukelić rođen je 1972. u Zagrebu. Od 1990. studira elektrotehniku, a od 1996. slikarstvo na ALU u Zagrebu. Godine 2004. završava slobodne umjetnosti na Kunstakademie u Düsseldorfu u klasi prof. Magdalene Jetelove. Do danas se bez prestanka bavi suvremenim vizualnim umjetnostima i izvedbenim umjetnostima. Realizirao je 30 samostalnih izložbi te više od 150 kazališnih projekata u Hrvatskoj i desetak drugih država. Od 2006. do 2016. stalno je zaposlen kao voditelj Dječjeg kazališta Dubrava u Zagrebu. Godine 2008. osmislio je i pokrenuo Europsku noć kazališta. Njegove radove otkupili su MSU Zagreb, HAZU Zagreb i MMUI Pula te više privatnih kolekcija. Od 2017. godine redovito predaje kao vanjski suradnik 3D tehnologije i virtualno modeliranje i Majstorsku radionicu scenografije na AUKOS-u. U umjetničkom je zvanju docenta. Zaposlen je u Umjetničkoj organizaciji Tigar teatar.
Leo Vukelic was born in Zagreb in 1972. From 1990 he studied electrical engineering, and from 1996 painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. In 2004, he completed the study of liberal arts at the Kunstakademie in Düsseldorf in the class of prof. Magdalena Jetelova. To this day he has been constantly engaged in contemporary visual and performing arts and has realized 30 solo exhibitions and over 150 theater projects in Croatia and about 10 other countries. From 2006 to 2016, he was permanently employed as the director of the Dubrava Children's Theater in Zagreb. In 2008, he designed and launched the European Theater Night. His works were purchased by MSU Zagreb, HAZU Zagreb and MMUI Pula, as well as several private collections. Since 2017, he has been regularly teaching 3D technology and Virtual modeling and the Scenography master workshop at AUKOS. He is an assistant professor of art. He is employed at the Tigar Theater Art Organization.
Leo Vukelić
Naša stanica sreće / Our Station of Happiness, 2022.
intervencija u javnom prostoru / public space intervention
Moja stanica sreće predstavlja ideju urbane kreativne umjetničke intervencije u javni prostor grada Osijeka, odnosno javnih tramvajskih stajališta. Cilj je projekta pojedina tramvajska stajališta vizualno i sadržajno preoblikovati te ispuniti lokalnim sadržajima, informacijama i umjetničkim te drugim vizualnim djelima koja su osmislili ljudi što ih svakodnevno koriste, kako stanovnici kvarta tako i dnevni migranti i posjetitelji. ... Moja stanica sreće za cilj ima prezentirati moguće drukčije oblikovanje javnog prostora i stvaranje prepoznatljivih toponima pojedinih dijelova grada ili kvartova, koje bi prema svojim potrebama, povijesnom i lokalnom kulturnom nasljeđu, oblikovali upravo najbrojniji korisnici tih lokacija. Kako se oprema tramvajskih stajališta i danas financira novcem lokalnih zajednica, sama realizacija projekta nije upitna, a grad Osijek može postati ugodnije i atraktivnije mjesto za vlastite stanovnike te jedna nova atrakcija za sve posjetitelje.
My station of happiness represents the idea of an urban creative artistic intervention in the public space of the city of Osijek, i.e. public tram stops. The goal of the project is to reshape individual tram stops visually and content-wise and to fill them with local content, information and artistic and other visual works designed by the people who use them every day, both the neighborhood residents as well as daily migrants and visitors.... My station of happiness aims to present a possible different design of public space and the creation of recognizable toponyms of individual city parts or neighborhoods, which would be designed by the most numerous users of those locations according to their needs, historical and local cultural heritage. As tram stop infrastructure is still financed by the money of local communities, the realization of the project itself is not questionable, and the city of Osijek can become a more pleasant and attractive place for its own residents and a new attraction for all visitors.
- iz izjave umjetnika / from the statement of the artist