Qianlin Wang rođena je u Kini 1997. Ona je multidisciplinarna umjetnica sa sjedištem u Londonu i Edinburghu. Qianlin je diplomirala likovnu fotografiju na Glasgow School of Arts i magistrirala likovnu umjetnost na Chelsea College of Arts 2021. Svoje je radove izlagala u inozemstvu u Wroclawu, Londonu, Glasgowu, Ateni, Kamniku, Splitu, Parizu, Vancouveru i Innsbrucku. Qianlinin najnoviji rad u suradnji s Noks Collective izvedeno je u galeriji Nicponiej u Poljskoj. Njezini video radovi prikazani su na festivalima Late at Tate Britain, Unreal Bonfires Festivals u Sloveniji i Small File Media festivalu u Kanadi. Gostujuća je predavačica na Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Fine Arts i Chelsea College of Arts.
Qianlin Wang was born in China in 1997. She is a multi-disciplinary artist based in London and Edinburgh. Qianlin graduated with BA in Fine Art Photography at the Glasgow School of Art, and an MA in Fine Art at Chelsea College of Arts in 2021. She has shown her work internationally in Wroclaw, London, Glasgow, Athens, Kamnik, Split, Paris, Vancouver, and Innsbruck. Qianlin’s most recent work in collaboration with Noks Collective was performed at Nicponiej Gallery in Poland. Her video works have been screened in Late at Tate Britain, Unreal Bonfires Festivals in Slovenia, and Small File Media Festival in Canada. She has been visiting lecturers at Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Fine Arts and Chelsea College of Arts.
Qianlin Wang
Planet-003 Indoktrinacija / Planet-003 Indoctrination, 2021.
prostorna instalacija / spatial instalation
dimenzije varijabilne / variable dimensions
Mogu li ljudi u beznadnom svijetu dosegnuti stanje "autentične smrti-prema-biću" pod utjecajem eksperimentalnog obrazovnog programa koji su napravili strana stvorenja? Planet-003 Indoctrination Program film je smješten u apokaliptični svijet 2045. godine, gdje se neurodegenerativna bolest zvana Qz nadvija nad ljudskom rasom. Najčešći je simptom gubitak kratkoročne memorije. Film prati strukturu i format TV kanala, koji se sastoji od širokog spektra poznatih programa kao što su vijesti, kuhanje i reality TV emisije isprepletene reklamama, cijelo vrijeme dajući nagovještaje da je nešto pošlo po zlu i da su neke izvanzemaljske sile možda u igri.
In a hopeless world, can people reach the state of an “authentic death-toward-being” under the influence of an experimental education programme made by foreign creatures? Planet-003 Indoctrination Programme is a film set in an apocalyptic world in 2045, where a neurodegenerative disease called Qz looms over the human race. The most common symptom is losing short-term memories. The film follows the structure and format of a TV channel, consisting of a wide variety of familiar programmes such as news, cooking, and reality TV shows interlaced with advertisements; all the while giving off hints that something has gone very wrong, and some extraterrestrial forces may be at play.
- iz izjave umjetnice / from the statement of the artist