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Josip Ivančić Pino… performer, likovni umjetnik, glazbenik. Rođen 1951. u Puli. Alternativnoj kulturnoj sceni poznat je već od početka sedamdesetih godina, kada ulazi u konceptualni krug i performans vode. U to vrijeme s prijateljima stvara „mental spirit music“, a pod utjecajem Beuysa otvara procese za stvaranje tzv. socijalne skulpture, čime već tada pripada nevelikoj skupini konceptualnih umjetnika koji su angažirano propitivali socijalističke vrijednosne sustave, ponajprije smisao rada i poziciju radnika. i.j.PINOva pozicija izvan centra te njegovo iskustvo radnika u brodogradilištu Uljanik osiguralo mu je „pravo“ na dodatno radikaliziranje u prostoru umjetnosti. Tijekom osamdesetih svoje umjetničke interese ostvaruje u prostoru spajanja medija glazbe, performansa i likovne umjetnosti (alterrock-gupa GustapH y njegovi dobry duhovi, a od devedesetih javnost ga pozna kao jednog od najprovokativnijih hrvatskih performera, ali i kao alternativnog novomedijskog eksperimentatora (telefonski koncert Netz/Mreža, za Radio ORF). Ponosni vlasnik rekorda posjećenosti jednom događanju/performansu (cca 40.000 posjetitelja, Theater like a Life / Life like a Theater ili Život je feferon…, Pula/Cro a Ti. Sve ostale stupidece i stupidadjine mogu se odčitati i iščitavati u dnevnim, tjednim i periodičnim tiskovinama ovijeh prostora…

Josip Ivančić Pino... performer, fine artist, musician. Born 1951 in Pula. He has been known to the alternative cultural scene since the beginning of the seventies, when he entered the conceptual circle and led performances. At that time, he created 'mental spirit music' with his friends, and under the influence of Beuys, he opened processes for the creation of so-called 'social sculpture', thus already belonging to a small group of conceptual artists who engaged in questioning socialist value systems, primarily the meaning of work and the position of workers. i.j.PINO's position outside the center and his experience as a worker in the Uljanik shipyard ensured him the 'right' to additional radicalization in the area of art. During the 1980s, he realized his artistic interests by combining the media of music, performance and fine arts (the alter rock group 'GustapH y njegovi dobry duhovi', and since the 1990s he has been known as one of the most provocative Croatian performers but also as an alternative new media experimenter (telephone concert Netz/ Network, for Radio ORF). The proud owner of the record for the attendance of one event/performance (approx. 40,000 visitors, Theater like a Life/Life like a Theater or Life is Pepper... Pula/Cro a Ti). All other stupidities can be read n the daily or weekly newspapers and other periodicals of this area...


Josip Ivančić Pino

...RADost RADovanje... / …JOY JOYfulness, 2022.

performans, dokumentacija / performans, documentation

Ples na štangi, tj. na/po prometnim znakovima u/po gradu, u trližu/radnom keper odijelu.

Pole dancing, i.e. on/by road signs in/around the city, in a twill/work twill suit.

  • iz izjave umjetnika / from the statement of the artist