Tomislav Pavelić (Zagreb, 1964.) 1990. godine diplomirao je na zagrebačkom Arhitektonskom fakultetu, otkada se usporedno bavi arhitekturom i likovnom umjetnošću. U području arhitekture bavi se projektiranjem (2009. prima Nagradu „Drago Galić“ UHA-e za obiteljsku kuću u Rudešu, u Zagrebu), piše kritičke tekstove i eseje koje objavljuje u ČIP-u, Arhitekturi, Orisu i na Trećem programu HR-a (2015. izdaje knjigu izabranih arhitektonskih eseja, O busenu trave pod stopalom, za koju iste godine prima Nagradu „Neven Šegvić“ UHA-e). Godine 2002. na Trećem programu Hrvatskog radija pokreće emisiju „Život prostora“ (iz područja arhitektonske teorije i fenomenologije), koju uređuje do 2006., a 2012. jedan je od pokretača emisije „Stvarnost prostora, između poetike i politike“, koju uređuje do danas, a za koju radi brojne intervjue s protagonistima domaće i svjetske arhitektonske scene. Godine 2012. je kustos/povjerenik hrvatskog nastupa na 13. Međunarodnoj izložbi arhitekture u Veneciji (Venecijanski bijenale); predstavnici su bili Pulska grupa, Igor Bezinović, Hrvoslava Brkušić, Boris Cvjetanović i Siniša Labrović. U području likovnih umjetnosti samostalno izlaže od 1996. (Studio „J. Račić“ Moderne galerije u Zagrebu, kustos Igor Zidić), te sudjeluje na više koncepcijskih skupnih izložbi u Hrvatskoj. Godine 2015. kurira 15. Festival performansa u Osijeku.
Tomislav Pavelić graduated from the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb in 1990 and since then has been active in architecture as well as in visual arts. In the field of architecture he is involved in design (in 2009 he receives the Drago Galić UHA Award for a Family House in Rudeš in Zagreb), writes critical texts and essays published in ČIP, Architecture, Oris and the HRT 3 radio program (in 2015 he publishes a book of selected architectural essays, About a Clump of Grass Beneeth the Foot, for which he received Award Neven Šegvić by the UHA, that same year). In 2002, on the HRT 3 radio program, he launched the show Life of Space (thematically connected to architectural theory and phenomenology), which he edited until 2006, and in 2012 he was one of the creators of the show entitled Reality of Space, Between Poetics and Politics, which he has been editing until today and for which he does numerous interviews with protagonists of the domestic and global architectural scenes. He is the curator/selector of the Croatian Pavilion of the 13th International Architecture Exhibition in Venice (Venice Biennial), with its representatives Pula Group, Igor Bezinović, Hrvoje Brkašić, Boris Cvjetanović and Siniša Labrović. In the field of visual arts he has been exhibiting independently since 1996 (the Josip Račić Studio of the Modern Gallery in Zagreb, curator Igor Zidić) and has participated in several conceptual group exhibitions in Croatia. In 2015 he was the curator of the 15th Performance Art Festival in Osijek.
Tomislav Pavelić
Mudrosti, iz serijala 100 pokušaja (da se promijeni sve) / Wisdom, From the Series 100 Attempts (to Change Eeverything), 2018. – 2022.
instalacija / installation
Pitanje postizanja ljudske sreće čini se temeljnim pitanjem suvremenog doba. Je li moguće ostvariti sreću koja je posljedica osobnog htijenja, ustrajnosti, sreće? Što nam o tome govore dostupni izvori, recimo mudrosti pronađene u križaljkama?
The question of achieving human happiness seems to be the fundamental question of the modern age. Is it possible to achieve happiness that is the result of personal will, perseverance, luck? What do the available sources tell us about it, say the wisdom found in crossword puzzles?
- iz izjave umjetnika / from the statement of the artist