Ivan Šeremet, rođen 1952. u Erdeviku, multimedijski je umjetnik, živi u Slavonskom Brodu. U svom radu opservira prostor u kojem živi. To su osobna iskustva ispod kojih se javlja distancirani humor, ali i poruga prema nekooperativnom okruženju. Izlaže na tridesetak samostalnih izložbi: Zagreb – MSU, Rijeka – MMSU, Novi Sad – MSU. Također izlaže na nizu skupnih izložbi : Kassel, Beograd – Bezgranične granice; Budimpešta – Human nature; Zagreb – 20 godina Galerije PM; Zagreb – 80-e; Zagreb – Ikonografija grada; Zagreb – Fragmenti melankolije; Zagreb – J. Beuys: Tko ne želi misliti, leti van!.
Prezentirao više od stotinu suvremenih umjetnika iz regije: Hrvatska, BiH, Vojvodina, Mađarska, Poljska i Čehoslovačka. Jedan od izbornika na 20. Slavonskom biennalu.
Ivan Šeremet, born in Erdevik in 1952, is a multi-media artist living in Slavonski Brod. Within his works he is dedicated to observation of the environment he lives in. This often includes personal experiences which as subtext carry a dose of distancing humour as well as taunting aimed at an uncooperative environment. He has exhibited at over thirty solo exhibitions, such as: Zagreb – MSU, Rijeka – MMSU, Novi Sad – MSU. He also took part in numerous group exhibitions, including: Kassel, Belgrade – Borderless Borders; Budapest – Human Nature; Zagreb – 20 Years of PM Gallery; Zagreb – 80's; Zagreb – City Iconography; Zagreb – Fragments of Melancholy; Zagreb - J. Beuys: Those Who Do Not Want to Think Should Be Thrown Out!.
He has hosted and presented over a hundred contemporary artists from the region: Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Poland, former Czechoslovakia etc. He was one of the selectors at the 20th Slavonian Biennale.
Ivan Šeremet
Šidski đak / A School Boy From Šid, 2021.
90 x 60 cm
Moja sreća proizlazi iz privilegije. Rođen sam u blizini gradića Šida, u kojem je rođen europski umjetnik Dimitrije Bašičević Mangelos. S tom spoznajom, prolazeći pokraj njegove kuće na putu do škole, počeo sam spontano graditi svoj vizualni svijet... Danas, smiren i radostan, podcrtavam te slike iz mladosti razmišljajući o odnosima i o čovjeku općenito.
My happiness derives from privilege. I was born near a small town of Šid, where the European artist Dimitrije Bašičević Mangelos was born. With this realization, passing by his house on the way to school, I started to spontaneously build my own visual world... Today, calm and joyous, I underline those pictures from my youth, thinking about relationships and about man in general.
- iz izjave umjetnika / from the statement of the artist