Ivan Midžić, rođen u Osijeku 1976. Diplomirao kiparstvo na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu u klasi prof. Šime Vulasa 2002. godine. Magistrirao na Akademiji za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje u Ljubljani 2007. godine u klasi prof. Jože Baršija. Član HDLU-a Zagreb i HZSU-a. Oblikovanjem nakita bavi se od 2004. godine. Redovito izlaže na samostalnim i skupnim izložbama.
Ivan Midžić, born in 1976 in Osijek. He graduated in sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb in the class of Prof. Šime Vulas in 2002. He earned his master's degree at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana in 2007 in the class of prof. Jože Baršija. Midžič is a member of HDLU Zagreb and HZSU. He has been designing jewelry since 2004. He regularly exhibits at solo and group exhibitions.
Ivan Midžić
Sretna Mrlja / Happy Stain, 2022.
crtež olovkom / pencil drawing
14 x 100 x 70 cm – 1,09375 x 0,78125 cm
Mrlja je rad u kojem slovo na slovo upisujem tekst u jednu točku i tako nastaje crtež. Ispod crteža pišem o mrlji, ali ne i tekst koji sam upisao u Mrlju. Ovaj likovno-konceptualni rad je zbog svog tekstualnog dijela moguće prilagoditi bilo kojoj temi. S obzirom na to da već godinama govorim protiv ideje da revijalne izložbe budu tematski koncipirane jer time se ne pokazuje kojim temama se bave umjetnici već kustosi, odlučio sam ovaj rad prilagoditi svakoj temi u nadi da ću tako dobiti priliku izlagati. To je moj mali protest, provokacija, a ujedno i oportunizam, koji inače umjetnici pokazuju prilikom odgovaranja na zadane teme. U ovom slučaju Mrljom odgovaram na temu nove paradigme sreće. Kako smatram da je sreća univerzalna kategorija, odgovaram na temu citatima poznatih mislilaca, a novih paradigmi nema. Svi ljudski osjećaji već su davno opisani i proživljeni, i proživljavaju se svakodnevno.
Stain is a work in which I write the text in one point letter on letter, and that is how the drawing is created. Below the drawing I write about the stain, but not the text that I wrote in the Stain. Due to its textual part, this visual conceptual work can be adapted to any topic. Given that I have been speaking against the idea of thematic exhibitions for years, because they are not indicative of the topics the artists deal with but the curators, I decided to adapt this work to every topic in the hope that I would get the opportunity to exhibit. This is my little protest, provocation, and at the same time opportunism, which artists normally show when responding to given topics. In this case, Stain is my response to the topic of the new paradigm of happiness. As I believe that happiness is a universal category, I answer the topic with quotes by famous thinkers, and there are no new paradigms. All human feelings have long been described and experienced, and they are experienced daily.
- iz izjave umjetnika / from the statement of the artist