Mia Štark, rođena 1992. godine u Osijeku. Diplomirala je pri Akademiji za umjetnost i kulturu u Osijeku na Odsjeku likovne kulture pri modulu grafike te je završila preddiplomski studij suvremenog plesa na Odsjeku za ples pri Akademiji dramskih umjetnosti u Zagrebu. Mia aktivno djeluje na likovnoj i izvedbenoj sceni predstavljajući svoje radove u Zagrebu, Osijeku, Varaždinu, Berlinu, Taipeiju, Splitu, Cluj-Napoci, Zadru, Rovinju, Vinkovcima… Godine 2021. njezin rad Nije bolest sve što boli nagrađen je nagradom žirija na izložbi One Su Tu u Vinkovcima te dobiva Special Mentions diplomu na žiriranoj skupnoj izložbi GRISIAyouth. Sudjelovala je na 59. Venecijanskom bijenalu kao jedan od izvođača u radu Tome Savića-Gecana Untitled (Croatian Pavilion). Trenutačno je jedna od šest odabranih sudionika programa Forecast Platform, Mentorship for Audacious Minds, gdje razvija novi rad uz mentorstvo Ane Prvački. Djeluje kao samostalna umjetnica. Članica je osječkog HDLU-a i udruge plesnih profesionalaca PULS.
Mia Štark was born in Osijek in 1992. She Graduated from the Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek at the Department of Fine Arts majoring in printmaking, and also completed undergraduate studies in contemporary dance at the Department of Dance at the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Zagreb. Mia is actively involved in the visual and performing arts scene, presenting her works in Zagreb, Osijek, Varaždin, Berlin, Taipei, Split, Cluj-Napoca, Zadar, Rovinj, Vinkovci... In 2021, her work Not Every Disease Makes You Sick was awarded the Jury Prize at at the One Su Tu exhibition in Vinkovci, and she also received a Special Mentions certificate at the GRISIAyouth juried group exhibition. She participated in the 59th Venice Biennale as one of the performers in Toma Savić-Gecan's work Untitled (Croatian Pavilion). She is currently one of the six selected participants in the Forecast Platform, Mentorship for Audacious Minds program, where she develops new work under the mentorship of Ana Prvački. Mia works as an independent artist. She is a member of Osijek's HDLU and the The Association of Professional Dance Artists PULS.
Mia Štark
Upute za gledanje i konzumiranje prirode iz Zbornika pogleda / Instructions for Viewing and Consuming Nature From the Anthology of Views, 2022.
9:02 min
Rad preispituje što i kako gledamo, promatramo, slušamo i primamo bilo kakve vijesti/informacije. Upute za gledanje i konzumiranje prirode iz Zbornika pogleda ujedno su i komentar, ali i prijedlog kako konzumirati prirodu koja je svuda oko nas, te kako ju bolje primjećivati. Također, uz ponuđena rješenja, odnosno primjere kako možemo obratiti pozornos na prirodu (više!), rad potiče gledatelja da bolje uoči male apsurdne i duhovite detalje u našem okruženju, te se poigrava načinima viđenja svijeta.
The work questions what and how we watch, observe, listen and receive all kinds news/information. Instructions for Viewing and Consuming Nature From the Anthology of Views are both a commentary and a suggestion on how to consume the nature that is all around us, and how to make better use of it. Also, along with the offered solutions, that is examples of how we can pay attention to nature (more!), the work encourages the viewer to notice better small absurd and humorous details in our environment, and plays with ways of seeing the world.
- iz izjave umjetnice / from the statement of the artist