Vice Tomasović, multidisciplinarni umjetnik, rođen je 1986. godine u Splitu. Nakon završene opće gimnazije u Omišu upisuje se na Umjetničku akademiju Sveučilišta u Splitu, smjer Likovna kultura i umjetnost, gdje diplomira 2009. godine. Osnivač je i ravnatelj Almissa Open Air festivala suvremene umjetnosti u Omišu. Predsjednik je Hrvatske udruge likovnih umjetnika u Splitu i voditelj izložbene djelatnosti galerije Salon Galić. Sudjelovao je na velikom broju samostalnih i grupnih izložbi, umjetničkih festivala i manifestacija kao organizator, kustos, izlagač i izvođač.

Vice Tomasović, a multidisciplinary artist, was born in Split in 1986. After completing the general high school in Omiš, he enrolled at the Art Academy of the University of Split, majoring in visual culture and art, from which he graduated in 2009. He is the founder and director of the Almissa Open Air festival of Contemporary Art in Omiš. Tomasović is the president of the Croatian Association of Fine Artists in Split and the head of exhibition activities at the Salon Galić gallery. He participated in a large number of solo and group exhibitions, art festivals and events as an organizer, curator, exhibitor and performer.


Vice Tomasović

(tekst / text: Vice Tomasović & Josip Rogošić; glazba / music: Tower Beatz, Dannt El Igeniero & AlterTaste; vokali / vocals: Vice Guru x Suha Tvar x Mijjin)


glazbeni video / music video

3:49 min

Festival bespravne gradnje i devastacije prirode Vruja, kojemu je cilj rušenje svih bespravno izgrađenih objekata na pomorskom dobru i na državnoj zemlji bez valjanih dozvola te sankcioniranje počinitelja i ubrzanje pravosudnih postupaka, pozvao me da izvedem performans kao uvod u koncert nazvan „Melodije betoniranog Jadrana“. Zanimao ih je moj alter ego „Vice Guru“ koji je po njihovoj ideji trebao ritualno prizivati bagere. Prihvatio sam poziv, ali me činjenica da će Edo Majka i Severina nastupiti na festivalu ponukala da i Vicu Gurua uronim u glazbene vode. Odlučio sam se za (cajka) trap kao glazbeni pravac, jer se radi o popularnom žanru u kojem autori promoviraju nihilizam, kriminal i egotrip, što mi se činilo kao idealan alat za postavljanje Vice Gurua u ulogu vlasnika bespravnog zdanja na Vruji.

The festival of illegal construction and devastation of nature in Vruj, whose goal is to demolish all illegally built structures on the maritime domain and on state land without valid permits, as well as to sanction the perpetrators and speed up judicial procedures, invited me to perform a performance as an introduction to the concert called Melodies of the concrete Adriatic. They were interested in my alter ego "Vice Guru" who, according to their idea, was supposed to ritually summon excavators. I accepted the invitation, but the fact that Edo Majka and Severina were supposed to perform at the festival prompted me to immerse Vica Guru in the musical waters as well. I decided on (cajka) trap as a musical direction, because it is a popular genre in which the authors promote nihilism, crime and ego trip, which seemed to me an ideal tool for placing Vice Guru in the role of the owner of an illegal building on Vruja.

  • iz izjave umjetnika / from the statement of the artist