Kata Mijatović, rođena u Branjini 1956. Od 1988. do 1991. godine članica je neformalne umjetničke grupe Močvara/Baranja. Od 1991. do 1993. studira slikarstvo na Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze, a potom nastavlja studij slikarstva na ALU Zagreb, gdje je diplomirala 1997. godine. Od 2005. do 2010. članica je Umjetničkog odbora Baranjske umjetničke kolonije, od 2005. voditeljica je Galerije AŽ Atelieri Žitnjak Zagreb. Od 2007. članica je Umjetničke grupe PLEH. Godine 2013. sudjelovala je na 55. Venecijanskom bijenalu kao predstavnica Hrvatske s projektom Između neba i zemlje (kustos Branko Franceschi). Preispitivanje složenih odnosa svjesnog i nesvjesnog, istraživanje interakcija vidljivog vanjskog svijeta i nevidljivih unutarnjih psihičkih prostora osnovna je preokupacija umjetničkog rada Kate Mijatović.

Kata Mijatović, born in Branjina in 1856. From 1988 to 1991 she worked as a member of the Swamp/Baranja art group. She was enrolled in painting studies at the Accademia di belle arti from 1991-1993,  which she then continued at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, from which  she graduated in 1997. She was the head of the Žitnjak Atelier Gallery from Zagreb from 2005 to 2018. Since 2007, she has been a member of the PLEH Art Group. She has exhibited in numerous solo and group exhibitions at home and abroad. In 2013, she participated in the 55th Venice Biennale as a representative of Croatia with the project Between the Sky and the  Earth  curated by Branko Franceschi. The basic preoccupation of her artistic work is the re-examination of the complex relations of the conscious and the unconscious, and the research of the interactions of the visible external world and the invisible internal psychological spaces.  


Kata Mijatović

Sreća drugih / Happiness of others, 2022

audiorad / audio work

20:00 min

Rad se sastoji od audiomatrice s white sound zvukovima za uspavljivanje, na koju se zatim aplicira izgovaranje riječi „sreća“ na različitim jezicima; riječi se izgovaraju nevješto, s uzastopnim ponavljanjem u nastojanju da se izgovore što pravilnije. U nepravilnim razmacima, između izgovaranja riječi „sreća“, umontiran je zvučni zapis izgovaranja teksta sna preuzetog iz online projekta Arhivsnova/www.arhivsnova.hr, koji izgovara spiker s aplikacije Google translater na engleskom jeziku. Potresan i emocionalan tekst izabranog sna Nine Sanctuary, koji u svom latentnom sadržaju govori o suočavanju s patnjom i iskustvu nemoći pred tuđom nesrećom, u suprotnosti je sa impersonalnošću i artificijelnošću izgovoranja teksta. Rad postavlja pitanje o mogućnosti doživljaja individualne sreće u okruženju u kojem nas nesreća drugih svakodnevno preplavljuje. U vremenu novih i novih ratova, ozbiljne prijetnje globalnim nuklearnim ratom, klimatskih katastrofa koje ugrožavaju planet, rastuće ekonomske nesigurnosti, umrežene medijske manipulacije - pojam sreće sve više poprima etičku dimenziju. Sreća, pa i ona potpuno individualna, danas možda više no ikad uključuje i odgovornost za sreću drugih. Kao što i nesreća drugih doslovno sve češće postaje i naša nesreća.

The work consists of an audio matrix with white noise sounds for sleeping, to which the pronunciation of the word "happiness" in different languages ​​is applied; the words are pronounced clumsily, with repeated repetition in an effort to pronounce them as correctly as possible. At irregular intervals, between the pronunciation of the word "happiness", a sound recording of the pronunciation of the text of the dream taken from the online project Arhivsnova/www.arhivsnova.hr, pronounced by the announcer from the Google translator application in English, was added. The poignant and emotional text of the chosen dream of Nina Sanctuary, which in its latent content speaks of facing suffering and the experience of powerlessness in the face of someone else's misfortune, is contrasted with the impersonality and artificiality of its pronunciation. The work raises the question of the possibility of experiencing individual happiness in an environment where the misfortune of others overwhelms us daily. In the time of new and new wars, serious threats of global nuclear war, climate disasters that threaten the planet, growing economic insecurities, networked media manipulations – the concept of happiness increasingly takes on an ethical dimension. Happiness, even a completely individual one, today perhaps more than ever includes responsibility for the happiness of others. Just as other people's unhappiness literally becomes our unhappiness more and more often.

  • iz izjave umjetnice / from the statement of the artist