Ivana Smiljanić vizualna je i performans-umjetnica rođena u Beogradu 1980. Završila je osnovne i magistarske studije na Fakultetu likovnih umjetnosti u Beogradu, video i video/performans klase na Ljetnoj akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Salzburgu, jednogodišnji program Ženskih studija Centra za ženske studije i alternativni program Kvir (Queer) studija na Institutu za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju u Beogradu. U svom radu, koristeći različite medije, bavi se preispitivanjem pozicije vlastitig tijela u različitim društvenim kontekstima. Kao dobitnica Nagrade "Dimitrije Bašičević Mangelos" (mreža YVAA), boravila je u ISCP – International Studio & Curatorial Program u New Yorku 2009. godine, a 2011. predstavljala je Srbiju na izboru za Henkel Art Award. Dobitnica je i nagrade Kolarčeve zadužbine za najbolju izložbu u sezoni 2020./21. godine. Suradnica je Festivala Befem od 2013. godine, a od 2020. članica je Upravnog odbora Autonomnog ženskog centra u Beogradu. Njezini su radovi dio Kolekcije Telenor i Kolekcije Oktobarskog salona Kulturnog centra Beograda. Živi u Bukureštu i Beogradu.

Ivana Smiljanić is a visual and performance artist born in Belgrade in 1980. She completed bachelor's and master's studies at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade, video and video/performance classes at the Salzburg Summer Academy of Fine Arts, a one-year program of Women's Studies of the Center for Women's Studies, and alternative Queer studies program at the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory in Belgrade. In her work, using different media, she deals with questioning the position of her own body in different social contexts. As the winner of the Dimitrije Bašičević Mangelos Award (YVAA network), she stayed at the ISCP – International Studio & Curatorial Program in New York in 2009, and in 2011 she represented Serbia at the Henkel Art Award selection. She is also the winner of the Award Kolarčeva zadužbina for the best exhibition in the 2020/21 season. She has collaborated with the Befem Festival since 2013, and since 2020 she has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Autonomous Women's Center in Belgrade. Her works are part of the Telenor Collection and the October Salon Collection of the Belgrade Cultural Center. Lives in Bucharest and Belgrade.