Tomo Savić Gecan rođen je u Zagrebu 1967. godine. Akademiju likovnih umjetnosti u Milanu završio je 1993. godine. Sudjelovao je na brojnim samostalnim izložbama u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu, među kojima su izložbe u Galeriji Studentskog centra u Zagrebu (1994.), Galeriji Kapelica u Ljubljani, Slovenija (1994.), Galeriji M6 u Rigi, Latvija (1995.), Spaces Gallery
u Clevelandu (1996.), Galeriji proširenih medija (s Julijem Kniferom) u Zagrebu (2005.), Bergen Kunsthall u Bergenu, Norveška (2010.), Muzeju Jeu de Paume u Parizu, Francuska (2010.), javnom prostoru Zuidplein u Amsterdamu i Muzeju suvremene umjetnosti u Eindhovenu, Nizozemska (2016.), Muzeju moderne i suvremene umjetnosti (Mali salon) u Rijeci (2017.). Njegovi radovi predstavljeni su na skupnim izložbama u Muzeju suvremene umjetnosti u Beogradu, Srbija (2001.), Nacionalnom muzeju Królikarnia u Varšavi, Poljska (2001.), Tehničkom muzeju „Nikola Tesla“ u Zagrebu (2002.), Muzeju suvremene umjetnosti u Zagrebu (2002. i 2012.), Kunsthalle Fridericianum u Kasselu, Njemačka (2003.), Galeriji Apexart u New Yorku, SAD (2000. i 2007.), Muzeju PS1 u New Yorku, SAD (2004.), Umjetničkom centru de Appel u Amsterdamu, Nizozemska (2009.), Kunsthall Bergen u Bergenu, Norveška (2010.), Muzeju Witte de With u Rotterdamu, Nizozemska (2011.), (ON)Begane Grond u Antwerpenu, Belgija (2015.) i drugdje. Sudjelovao je na velikim međunarodnim manifestacijama: Manifesti 3 u Ljubljani (2000.), 51. Venecijanskom bijenalu (2005.), Taipei bijenalu (2012.) te je predstavnik Hrvatske na 59. Venecijanskom bijenalu. Dobitnik je stipendije ArtsLink Fellowship, SAD (1996.) te nagrade Hrvatske sekcije Međunarodnog udruženja likovnih kritičara (AICA) na 33. Zagrebačkom salonu (1998.). Boravio je na PS1 umjetničkoj rezidenciji u New Yorku, SAD (2003. – 2004.) te kao dobitnik nagrade ACCELERATE Hrvatska na rezidenciji Arts at CERN pri Europskom laboratoriju za fiziku čestica CERN u Ženevi, Švicarska (2017.).
Tomo Savić Gecan was born 1967 in Zagreb. He graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Milan in 1993, and participated in numerous solo exhibitions in Croatia and abroad, including the Student Center Gallery in Zagreb (1994), Kapelica Gallery in Ljubljana, Slovenia (1994), M6 Gallery in Riga, Latvia (1995), Space Gallery in Cleveland (1996), Gallery of Extended Media (with Julije Knifer) in Zagreb (2005), Bergen Kunsthall in Bergen, Norway (2010), Jeu de Paume Museum in Paris, France (2010), the public space Zuidplein in Amsterdam and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Eindhoven, the Netherlands (2016), the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (Mali Salon) in Rijeka (2017). His works were presented at group exhibitions at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade, Serbia (2001), the National Królikarnia Museum in Warsaw, Poland (2001), the Nikola Tesla Technical Museum in Zagreb (2002), the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb (2002 and 2012), Kunsthalle Fridericianum in Kassel, Germany (2003), Apexart Gallery in New York, USA (2000 and 2007), PS1 Museum in New York, USA (2004), de Appel Art Center in Amsterdam, the Netherlands (2009), Kunsthall Bergen in Bergen, Norway (2010), Witte de With Museum in Rotterdam, Netherlands (2011), (ON)Begane Grond in Antwerp, Belgium (2015) and elsewhere. He participated in major international events: Manifesti 3 in Ljubljana (2000), 51st Venice Biennale (2005), Taipei Biennale (2012), and represented Croatia at the 59th Venice Biennale. Savić Gecan won the ArtsLink Fellowship, USA (1996) and the award of the Croatian section of the International Association of Art Critics (AICA) at the 33rd Zagreb Salon (1998). He participated in the PS1 art residency in New York, USA (2003-2004) and as a winner of the ACCELERATE Croatia award at the Arts at CERN residency at the European Particle Physics Laboratory CERN in Geneva, Switzerland (2017).
Tomo Savić-Gecan
Bez naslova 2022. – 2024. / Without title 2022 – 2024
Parametri kretanja posjetitelja u vrijeme trajanja izložbe 28. Slavonski biennale i analiza kataloga uvjetovat će samostalnu izložbu Tome Savić-Gecana 2024. godine.
The parameters of visitor movement during the duration of the exhibition of the 28th Slavonian Biennial and the analysis of the catalog will determine the solo exhibition of Tomo Savić-Gecan in 2024.
- iz izjave umjetnika / from the statement of the artist