Sonja Vuk diplomirala je na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu, Akademiji za likovnu umjetnost i umjetničko obrazovanje u Tilburgu (NL) te na potonjoj završila poslijediplomski specijalistički studij iz trodimenzionalne umjetnosti. Poslijediplomski magisterij iz videa stekla je na Akademiji za umjetnost i umjetničko oblikovanje u Ljubljani (SI), a doktorat znanosti iz likovne pedagogije na Pedagoškom fakultetu u Ljubljani (SI).
U umjetničkom izražavanju koristi video i interdisciplinarne participativne projekte koji se bave društvenim pitanjima i umrežuju stručnjake iz obrazovanja, psihologije i sociologije. Edukativne i umjetničke projekte prezentirala je na domaćim i međunarodnim simpozijima i kongresima te na više od 150 domaćih i međunarodnih izložbi i videofestivala (Muzej suvremene umjetnosti, Zagreb; White Columns, New York; Akureyri Art Museum, Island; Arnolfini, Bristol; KHM Cologne itd.). Dobitnica je otkupne nagrade Sveučilišne biblioteke na 21. Salonu mladih, Zagreb, i jednakovrijedne nagrade na IX. trijenalu kiparstva, Zagreb.
Sonja Vuk graduated from the Department of Art Education at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, Croatia, and also the Academy of Fine Arts and Art Education in Tilburg, the Netherlands, at which she also completed a postgraduate specialist study program in three-dimensional art. She acquired postgraduate master's degree in video and new media at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana and PhD in art education at the Faculty of Education in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
She deals with video art and interdisciplinary participatory projects focused on social issues and networking experts from various areas, primarily education, psychology and sociology. Also, Sonja has presented her educational and art projects at numerous symposia and conferences at home and abroad, and has taken part in more thant 150 solo and group exhibitions and video festivals worldwide (Museum of Contemporary Art, Croatia; White Columns, New York; Akureyri Art Museum, Iceland; Arnolfini, Bristol, UK; KHM Cologne etc.) She is the winner of the University Library award at 21st Salon of Youth in Zagreb, and the ex aequo award at the 9th Triennial of Croatian Sculpture.
Sonja Vuk
A što sa mnom? / What about me?, 2022.
participativan projekt / participatory project
Nakon smrti supruge koju je godinama njegovao, Veljko M. nije posustao. Nosi se sa samoćom uključivanjem u različita kulturna i društvena događanja u Slavonskom Brodu. Pleše u predstavi Marija Kovača, brani se od globalnog kaosa hvatajući trenutke sreće i zaborava u malim svakodnevnim zadovoljstvima. Međutim, na kraju dana, kad dođe kući, ostaje sam. Stoga se ovaj projekt bavi upravo time: traženjem trenutaka sreće u beskonačnom prostoru samoće. Način na koji bi se to provelo je sljedeći: Veljku bi se postavljali tjedni izazovi različitih vrsta u trajanju od sljedeća dva mjeseca; na jednu vrstu izazova trebao bi odgovoriti vizualnim i auditivnim medijima, na drugu bi vrstu izazova trebao odgovoriti performativno i participativno te prikupiti dokumentaciju. Izazovi, koji se samo tako zovu, zapravo su kreativni zadaci koji koriste terapijski učinak umjetnosti, ali imaju i funkciju distrakcije odnosno zabave. ... Razlog tog procesa bio bi ponovno nalaženje onih trenutaka u kojima osoba, tijekom stvaranja, dolazi do vrhunskog iskustva/flow/imerzije, u kojima može osjetiti iskru sreće kao obrane od besmisla globalnog kaosa. Na taj će način umjetnost poslužiti kao mjesto osobnog rasta i svojevrsnog skloništa, društvenog umrežavanja i veće uključenosti u život zajednice.
After the death of his wife, who he took care of for years, Veljko M. did not give up. He copes with loneliness by participating in various cultural and social events in Slavonski Brod. He dances in Mario Kovač's performance, fending off global chaos by capturing moments of happiness and oblivion in small everyday pleasures. However, at the end of the day, when he comes home, he is alone. Therefore, this project deals with exactly that: searching for moments of happiness in the infinite space of solitude. The way it was to be implemented is as follows: Vejko would be set weekly challenges of different types for the duration of the two following months; he was supposed to answer one type of challenge with visual and auditory media, the other type performatively and participatively, and finally to collect documentation. Challenges, which are just called that way, are actually creative tasks that use the therapeutic effect of art, but also have the function of distraction or entertainment. ... The reason for this process would be to find again those moments in which a person, during creation, reaches the ultimate experience/flow/immersion, in which he can feel the spark of happiness as a defense against the absurdity of global chaos. In this way, art will serve as a place of personal growth and a kind of shelter, social networking and greater involvement in the life of the community.
- iz izjave umjetnice / from the statement of the artist