Grupa ABS formirana je kao kritička platforma unutar materijalne prakse i političkih kontradikcija umjetnosti i potencijalnosti kulture i društva. Grupa je inicijalno formirana pokretanjem kritičkog potencijala slikarskog rada, tj. pokretanjem umjetničkog djelovanja kao simptoma unutar suvremenog društva. Umjetničko djelovanje Grupe ABS realizirano je i pokazano slikama, akcijama, projektima-kao-simptomima koji sugeriraju neugodnu i otuđenu atmosferu kritičnih ili kriznih situacija unutar konfliktne političke suvremenosti. Članovi grupe su Alan Alebić (1976.), Ivica Blažić (1975.) i Ivan Skvrce (1980.). Diplomirali su 2003. na zagrebačkoj Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti, smjer slikarstvo, i magistrirali 2014. na poslijediplomskom studiju na ljubljanskoj Akademiji za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje. Izlagali su na 25 samostalnih i pedesetak skupnih izložbi u zemlji i inozemstvu. Žive i rade na relaciju Zagreb – Rijeka – Krk.
The ABS group was formed as a critical platform within the material practice and political contradictions of art and the potentiality of culture and society. The group was initially formed by initiating the critical potential of painting, i.e. by initiating artistic activity as a symptom within contemporary society. The artistic activity of the ABS Group is realized and shown through images, actions, projects-as-symptoms that suggest an unpleasant and alienated atmosphere of critical or crisis situations within the conflicting political modernity. The members of the group are Alan Alebić (1976), Ivica Blažić (1975) and Ivan Skvrce (1980). They graduated in 2003 from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, majoring in painting, and in 2014 completed their postgraduate studies at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana. They exhibited at 25 individual and fifty group exhibitions in the country and abroad. They live and work between Zagreb, Rijeka and Krk.
Grupa ABS: Alan Alebić / Ivica Blažić / Ivan Skvrce
Mia San Mia, 2022.
dvokanalna instalacija slike i zvuka / two-channel image and sound installation
119 x 148 x 5 cm, 7:46 min
… zapravo radi se o tome da se u zapadnoeuropskom slikarstvu tijekom 12. stoljeća, uvođenjem inovacija i mijenjanjem shema, razvija specifičan stil religioznih slika koje se više ne mogu tako nazivati... iako to nekad može biti…. a person or thing that is famous because it represents a particular idea or way of life… zato je važno istaknuti uzročno-posljedičnu vezu između teološkog (dogmatskog) i simboličkog značenja… odnosno naglasiti da mogućnost njezina simboličkog poimanja i razumijevanja proizlazi iz njezine teološke određenosti…. tj. da to može biti i sličica na računalnom zaslonu koja predstavlja neki program; istaknuta javna osoba ili stvar koju se smatra vrijednom štovanja, npr. osoba čiji se način života, modni stil, stavovi slijede… odnosno a picture on computer screen that represents a program, disk drive, file, or instuction za nas troje kada zajedno slušamo određeni zvučni sadržaj ili kada zajedno želimo prati ruke….
... it is actually about the fact that in Western European painting during the 12th century, with the introduction of innovations and changing of schemes, a specific style of religious paintings developed that can no longer be called that way... although sometimes it can.... a person or thing that is famous because it represents a particular idea or way of life... that is why it is important to emphasize the cause-and-effect connection between theological (dogmatic) and symbolic meaning... that is, to emphasize that the possibility of its symbolic comprehension and understanding os froriginates from its theological determination... . i.e. that it can also be a thumbnail on the computer screen representing a program; a prominent public figure or thing that is considered worthy of worship, e.g. a person whose lifestyle, fashion style, attitudes are followed... that is, a picture on computer screen that represents a program, disk drive, file, or instruction for the three of us when we listen to a certain audio content or when we want to wash our hands together...
- iz izjave umjetnika / from the statement of the artists
Grupa ABS formirana je kao kritička platforma unutar materijalne prakse i političkih kontradikcija umjetnosti i potencijalnosti kulture i društva. Grupa je inicijalno formirana pokretanjem kritičkog potencijala slikarskog rada, tj. pokretanjem umjetničkog djelovanja kao simptoma unutar suvremenog društva. Umjetničko djelovanje Grupe ABS realizirano je i pokazano slikama, akcijama, projektima-kao-simptomima koji sugeriraju neugodnu i otuđenu atmosferu kritičnih ili kriznih situacija unutar konfliktne političke suvremenosti. Članovi grupe su Alan Alebić (1976.), Ivica Blažić (1975.) i Ivan Skvrce (1980.). Diplomirali su 2003. na zagrebačkoj Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti, smjer slikarstvo, i magistrirali 2014. na poslijediplomskom studiju na ljubljanskoj Akademiji za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje. Izlagali su na 25 samostalnih i pedesetak skupnih izložbi u zemlji i inozemstvu. Žive i rade na relaciju Zagreb – Rijeka – Krk.
Samostalne izložbe/akcije/
The ABS group was formed as a critical platform within the material practice and political contradictions of art and the potentiality of culture and society. The group was initially formed by initiating the critical potential of painting, i.e. by initiating artistic activity as a symptom within contemporary society. The artistic activity of the ABS Group is realized and shown through images, actions, projects-as-symptoms that suggest an unpleasant and alienated atmosphere of critical or crisis situations within the conflicting political modernity. The members of the group are Alan Alebić (1976), Ivica Blažić (1975) and Ivan Skvrce (1980). They graduated in 2003 from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, majoring in painting, and in 2014 completed their postgraduate studies at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana. They exhibited at 25 individual and fifty group exhibitions in the country and abroad. They live and work between Zagreb, Rijeka and Krk.
Grupa ABS: Alan Alebić / Ivica Blažić / Ivan Skvrce
Mia San Mia, 2022.
dvokanalna instalacija slike i zvuka / two-channel image and sound installation
119 x 148 x 5 cm, 7:46 min
… zapravo radi se o tome da se u zapadnoeuropskom slikarstvu tijekom 12. stoljeća, uvođenjem inovacija i mijenjanjem shema, razvija specifičan stil religioznih slika koje se više ne mogu tako nazivati... iako to nekad može biti…. a person or thing that is famous because it represents a particular idea or way of life… zato je važno istaknuti uzročno-posljedičnu vezu između teološkog (dogmatskog) i simboličkog značenja… odnosno naglasiti da mogućnost njezina simboličkog poimanja i razumijevanja proizlazi iz njezine teološke određenosti…. tj. da to može biti i sličica na računalnom zaslonu koja predstavlja neki program; istaknuta javna osoba ili stvar koju se smatra vrijednom štovanja, npr. osoba čiji se način života, modni stil, stavovi slijede… odnosno a picture on computer screen that represents a program, disk drive, file, or instuction za nas troje kada zajedno slušamo određeni zvučni sadržaj ili kada zajedno želimo prati ruke….
... it is actually about the fact that in Western European painting during the 12th century, with the introduction of innovations and changing of schemes, a specific style of religious paintings developed that can no longer be called that way... although sometimes it can.... a person or thing that is famous because it represents a particular idea or way of life... that is why it is important to emphasize the cause-and-effect connection between theological (dogmatic) and symbolic meaning... that is, to emphasize that the possibility of its symbolic comprehension and understanding os froriginates from its theological determination... . i.e. that it can also be a thumbnail on the computer screen representing a program; a prominent public figure or thing that is considered worthy of worship, e.g. a person whose lifestyle, fashion style, attitudes are followed... that is, a picture on computer screen that represents a program, disk drive, file, or instruction for the three of us when we listen to a certain audio content or when we want to wash our hands together...
- iz izjave umjetnika / from the statement of the artists