
Martina Miholić (Zagreb 1981.) diplomirala je na grafičkom odjelu Akademije likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu 2004. godine, a 2011. magistrirala na Central Saint Martins College u Londonu. Godine 2006. postaje umjetnička ravnateljica Međunarodnog festivala studentskog kazališta i multimedije Test!, koji vodi
do 2010. Od te godine do 2012. unutar udruge ULAZ u kolaboraciji s Veleposlanstvom RH u Londonu provodi projekt Export – Import. Godine 2016. s Miom Orsag bila je kustosica 33. Salona mladih. Godine 2022. nagrađena je jednom jednakovrijednom nagradom Trijenala kiparstva. Sudjelovala je na brojnim samostalnim i grupnim izložbama, festivalima i rezidencijalnim programima.

Martina Miholić (Zagreb, 1981) graduated from the Graphic Arts Department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb in 2004, and in 2011 took an MFA from Central Saint Martins College in London. In 2006 she was appointed artistic director of the International Festival of Student Theatre and Multimedia Test!, which she ran until 2010. From 2010 to 2012, as part of the ULAZ association and in collaboration with the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in London she produced the project Export – Import. In 2016, together with Mia Orsag, she curated the 33rd Young Artists Salon. In 2022 Martina won an ex aequo award at the Triennial of Sculpture in Zagreb. She has had numerous solo and participated in many collective exhibitions, festivals and artists residencies.




fantasy of floating 6

Martina Miholić

Fantasy of Floating, 2022.

multimedijalna instalacija / multimedia installation

promjenjive dimenzije / dimensions variable


Martina u ovom radu propituje temu modeliranja i modificiranja ljudskog/ženskog tijela u svrhu uljepšavanja te suvremenim pogledom na žensko tijelo pod utjecajem društva, zajednice, interneta i društvenih mreža. ... Kao potku za stvaranje rada Fantasy of Floating Martina koristi bajku o maloj sireni, simbol bolne fizičke transformacije i gubitka identiteta (tijela), koja na kraju svojih transformacija više i ne posjeduje svoje tijelo te se pretvara u morsku pjenu. Martina je u svojem novom radu kreirala surealni, hibridni, instalativni prostor na procijepu realnosti, koji djeluje poput kakvog digitalnog arhipelaga ili koraljnog grebena, svojevrstan habitat suvremenih malih sirena, istovremeno privlačan, zavodljiv, naizgled nježan, no istovremeno kaotičan, agresivan, nasilan i destruktivan.

In this work Martina examines the topic of modeling and modifying the human/female body for the purpose of beautification and with a contemporary view of the female body under the influence of society, community, the Internet and social networks. ... The theme that Martina uses for creating her work Fantasy of Floating is a fairy tale about a little mermaid, a symbol of painful physical transformation and loss of identity (body), who at the end of her transformations no longer owns her body and turns into sea foam. In her new work, Martina has created a surreal, hybrid, installation space at the crack of reality, which acts like some kind of digital archipelago or coral reef, a kind of habitat of contemporary little mermaids,  attractive, seductive, seemingly gentle, but at the same time chaotic, aggressive, violent and destructive.

  • iz izjave umjetnice / from the statement of the artist