Portret RUF 

Igor Ruf rođen je 1984. godine u Virovitici. Diplomirao je kiparstvo na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu.
Igor je dosad izlagao na samostalnim i skupnim izložbama u Zagrebu, Splitu, Osijeku, Dubrovniku, Herneu, Sofiji, Brnu, Lectoureu, New Yorku...
Za svoj je rad primio nekoliko nagrada i priznanja, od kojih valja izdvojiti Veliku nagradu XI. trijenala hrvatskog kiparstva, Nagradu 31. Salona mladih te Nagradu „Radoslav Putar“. Zaposlen je kao docent na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu, na Kiparskom odsjeku.


Igor Ruf, born in Virovitica in 1984. He graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb at the Sculpture Department.
Until today, Igor has exhibited at solo and group exhibitions in Zagreb, Split, Osijek, Dubrovnik, Herne, Sofia, Brno, Lectoure, New York...
He has received several awards and recognitions for his work, such as the Grand Prize of the 11th Triennial of the Croatian Sculpture, the 31st Youth Salon Award and the Radoslav Putar Award.
He is employed as an assistant professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, the Sculpture Department.








Igor Ruf

Bez naziva / Without Title, 2022.

kombinirana tehnika, furnirani medijapan / mixed media, veneered mdf

292 x 180 x 75 cm


Nogari koji bi trebali biti dio radnog stola, odnosno nositi radnu plohu na kojoj se nešto radi/ proizvodi, nose sami sebe. Kompozicija sugerira izvedbu u kojoj se radionički elementi ponašaju poput akrobata u cirkusu, no lelujavost njihovih nogu više podsjeća na supijano društvo koje je na trenutak uspjelo izvesti ljudsku piramidu.

Legs that are supposed to be part of the desk, that is support the work surface on which something is done/produced, carry themselves. The composition suggests a realization in which the workshop elements behave like acrobats in a circus, but the swaying of their legs is more reminiscent of drunken fellows that for a moment managed to perform a human pyramid.

  • iz izjave umjetnika / from the statement of the artist