Božena Končić Badurina (Zagreb, 1967.) diplomirala je njemački i ruski jezik na FFZG te grafiku na ALU u Zagrebu. U svojoj umjetničkoj praksi koristi raznolike medije, a do danas je ostvarila niz performativnih radova koji istražuju odnose promatrača i promatranog te site-specific projekata fokusiranih na nevidljive interpersonalne i društvene procese koji proizvode prostor. Posljednjih godina najviše se bavi zanemarenim i zaboravljenim ženskim mikropovijestima koje dominantni historijski narativi previđaju. Izlagala je u institucijama poput MAXXI, Rim; MSUM, Ljubljana; Art in General, New York; MSU, Zagreb; Carre d'Art, Nimes; MMSU, Rijeka; UGD, Dubrovnik; Galerija stanara, Pariz; Galerija Nova, Zagreb; Out of Sight, Antwerpen; Lothringer13 Halle, München. Dobitnica je nekoliko nagrada i rezidencijalnih programa poput Museumsquartier, Beč; Kulturamt Düsseldorf; Art in General, New York. Živi u Zagrebu.
Božena Končić Badurina was born in 1967 in Zagreb. She graduated in German and Russian from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and in printmaking from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. In her artistic practice, she utilizes a variety of media, and to date she has created a series of performative works that explore the relationship between the observer and the observed, as well as site-specific projects focused on invisible, interpersonal and social processes that shape space. In her artistic work in recent years, she has intensively researched neglected women's histories, focusing on those stories that are omitted from dominant historical narratives. She has exhibited her works in numerous prestigious institutions around the world, including MAXXI, Rome; MSU, Ljubljana; Art in General, New York; MSU, Zagreb; Carre d'Art, Nimes; MMSU, Rijeka etc. She is the winner of several awards and residency programs such as Museumsquartier, Vienna; Kulturamt Düsseldorf; Art in General, New York. Lives in Zagreb.
ig @bozenakbadurina
Božena Končić Badurina
Cvijeće za Mariju Vinski, 2024. / Flowers for Marija Vinski, 2024
knjiga umjetnika, crtež (olovka na papiru) / artist's book, drawing (pencil on paper)
17 cm x 21.5 cm, 14,8 cm x 21 cm
Dizajn knjige / Book design: Jan Pavlović
Bojadisanje korica (kora vrbe ive) / Cover dyeing (willow bark): Vedrana Peček
Rad se temelji na dnevničkom zapisu Marije Vinski objavljenom 2021. pod nazivom Velik je misterij života, Dnevnik 1917 - 1934. Dnevnik je slučajno otkriven među dokumentima osobnog fonda Augusta Cesarca u Hrvatskom državnom arhivu u Zagrebu. Do otkrića i objavljivanja dnevnika ime Marije Vinski spominjalo se tek povremeno, i to isključivo u kontekstu njezine prijateljske i ljubavne veze s Augustom Cesarcem.
Knjiga umjetnika Cvijeće za Mariju Vinski zbirka je crteža cvijeća i drugih biljaka koje Marija Vinski u različitim kontekstima spominje u svom dnevniku. Cvijeće koje je ubrala ili čijoj se ljepoti divi u šetnji prirodom, biljke kao važne sastavnice sjećanja na prošle događaje ili kao motivi u njezinim pjesmama i lirskim zapisima, vitalnost biljnog svijeta u kontrastu prema nemoći, tjelesnom propadanju i smrti uzrokovanima bolešću ili ratom, samo su neki od brojnih momenata u kojima se priroda i biljni svijet kao motiv pojavljuju u dnevniku. Knjiga umjetnika i crteži cvijeća prva su faza rada na budućem fundusu kojim će Marijin glas, desetljećima skriven i neprimjetan u ostavštini njezinog slavnog partnera, dobiti svoje vlastito, opipljivo i poetično arhivsko tijelo.
Marija Vinski, intelektualka, liječnica, pedagoginja i odgojiteljica, rođena je kao Marjem Hollinger 1899. u mjestu Lukawetz am Sereth u Bukovini (Lukavtsi u današnjoj Ukrajini), u ortodoksnoj židovskoj obitelji. Tijekom Prvoga svjetskog rata u Beču započinje studij medicine koji prekida 1924. nakon preseljenja u Zagreb i udaje za tipografa Rudolfa Vinskog. Od 1928. vodi dječji vrtić (tzv. zabavište) koji pohađa i njezin sin Miron. U tom periodu drži brojna javna predavanja i objavljuje tekstove o odgoju djece. Poslije smrti supruga završava studij medicine u Beču i zbližava se s Augustom Cesarcem. U drugoj polovici 1930-ih, neko vrijeme sa Cesarcem boravi u Rusiji, a po povratku u Zagreb radi kao liječnica. Zbog sumnje na komunističku djelatnost, ustaške vlasti pogubile su je na zagrebačkoj Dotrščini 8. 8. 1941. godine.
The work is based on the diary of Marija Vinski, published in 2021 under the title The Great Mystery of Life: Diary 1917-1934. The diary was discovered by chance among the documents of the personal collection of August Cesarec in the Croatian State Archives in Zagreb. Prior to its discovery and publication, the name of Marija Vinski was only occasionally mentioned, and exclusively in the context of her friendship and romantic relationship with August Cesarec.
Flowers for Marija Vinski is an artist's book composed of drawings of flowers and other plants mentioned by Marija Vinski in various contexts in her diary. Flowers she picked or whose beauty she admired on nature walks, plants as important components of memories of past events or as motifs in her poems and lyrical notes, the vitality of the plant world in contrast to the helplessness, physical decay and death caused by illness or war, are just some of the many moments in which nature and the plant world appear as a motif in the diary. The artist's book and flower drawings are the first phase of work on a future fund that will give Marija's voice, hidden and unnoticed for decades in the legacy of her famous partner, its own tangible and poetic archival body.
Marija Vinski, an intellectual, physician, educator, and pedagogue, was born as Marjem Hollinger in 1899 in Lukawetz am Sereth in Bukovina (Lukavtsi in present-day Ukraine), into an Orthodox Jewish family. During World War I, she began studying medicine in Vienna but interrupted her studies in 1924 after moving to Zagreb and marrying the typesetter Rudolf Vinski. From 1928, she ran a a childcare facility (so called kindergarten / zabavište) which her son Miron also attended. During this period, she gave numerous public lectures and published texts on child-rearing. After her husband's death, she completed her medical studies in Vienna and became close with August Cesarec. In the second half of the 1930s, she spent some time in Russia with Cesarec, and upon returning to Zagreb, she worked as a physician. Due to suspicions of communist activities, she was executed by the Ustasha regime at Zagreb's Dotrščina on August 8, 1941.